2024-12-25 14:32:56


什么是华为云消息&短信(Message & SMS)服务?

消息&短信(Message & SMS)是华为云携手全球多家优质运营商和渠道,为企业用户(不包括个体工商户、个人独资企业、合伙企业等非法人主体或组织)提供单发、群发短信服务,同时可接收用户回复短信。


如何通过Java版SDK来体验消息&短信(Message & SMS)服务的发送短信功能。




  • 1、需要是华为云企业认证账号,并开通华为云MSGSMS云服务。
  • 2、获取华为云开发工具包(SDK),您也可以查看安装Python SDK。使用服务端SDK前,您需要安装“huaweicloudsdksmsapi“。
pip install huaweicloudsdksmsapi
  • 3、已具备开发环境 ,支持Python3及其以上版本。
  • 4、已获取应用的Application Key(app_key)和Application Secret(app_secret)。请在华为云控制台“应用管理”页面上创建和查看您的Application Key和Application Secret。具体请参见 应用管理
  • 5、已获得您要发送短信的通道号,由于通道号与签名关联,请在控制台“签名管理”页面上查看您的通道号,如果您还没有通道号,则您需要先提交签名申请,待签名申请通过后,系统会分配通道号。具体请参见签名管理
  • 6、已获取您要发送短信的模板ID,请在控制台“模板管理”页面上创建和查看您的模板ID。具体请参见模板管理







@staticmethod def main(args): """ Send an SMS message using a special AK/SK authentication algorithm. When the MSGSMS is used to send SMS messages, the AK is app_key, and the SK is app_secret. There will be security risks if the app_key/app_secret used for authentication is directly written into code. We suggest encrypting the app_key/app_secret in the configuration file or environment variables for storage. In this sample, the app_key/app_secret is stored in environment variables for identity authentication. Before running this sample, set the environment variables CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPKEY and CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPSECRET. CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPKEY indicates the application key (app_key), and CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPSECRET indicates the application secret (app_secret). You can obtain the value from Application Management on the console or by calling the open API of Application Management. """ if "CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPKEY" not in os.environ or "CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPSECRET" not in os.environ: print("Please config the environment CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPKEY and CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPSECRET first!") return ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPKEY"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_MSGSMS_APPSECRET"] http_config = HttpConfig.get_default_config() # To prevent API invoking failures caused by HTTPS certificate authentication failures, ignore the # certificate trust issue to simplify the sample code. # Note: Do not ignore the TLS certificate verification in the commercial version. http_config.ignore_ssl_verification = True """ Creating an SmsApiClient Instance This region of this example is of Beijing 4. Replace it with the actual value. """ client = SMSApiClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(SMSApiCredentials(ak, sk)) \ .with_http_config(http_config) \ .with_region(Region(id="cn-north-4", endpoint="https://smsapi.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com:8443")).build()


http_code = SendSms.batch_send_sms(client) @staticmethod def batch_send_sms(client): request = BatchSendSmsRequest( body=BatchSendSmsRequestBody( # Channel ID for sending SMS messages. _from="8824110605***", # List of numbers that receive SMS messages. # Note: When there are multiple numbers, do not contain spaces between the numbers. to="+86137****3774,+86137****3776", # Template Id template_id="1d18a7f4e1b84f6c8fc1546b48b3baea", # Template parameter, which must be enclosed in square brackets ([]). template_paras="[\"123\",\"456\",\"789\"]", # Status report callback URL. Set this parameter to a valid value. If status reports are not # required, you do not need to set this parameter. status_callback="https://test/report" ) ) # Invoke the SDK interface to send an SMS message. try: response = client.batch_send_sms(request) print("Batch send sms result: {}", response) return response.status_code except ClientRequestException as e: print("Batch send sms request exception: {}", str(e.status_code)) print("Batch send sms request exception error message: {}", e.error_msg) except ServerResponseException as e: print("Batch send sms response exception: {}", str(e.status_code)) print("Batch send sms response exception error message: {}", e.error_msg) return http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR


http_code = SendSms.batch_send_diff_sms(client)

@staticmethod def batch_send_diff_sms(client): # Construct a request for sending SMS messages in batches. request = BatchSendDiffSmsRequest( body=BatchSendDiffSmsRequestBody( # Channel ID for sending SMS messages. _from="8824110605***", # Status report callback URL. Set this parameter to a valid value. If status reports are not # required, you do not need to set this parameter. status_callback="https://test/report", # Content of the first batch of group SMS messages sms_content=[ SmsContent( # List of SMS Recipient Numbers to=["+86137****3774", "+86137****3775"], # Template Id template_id="1d18a7f4e1b84f6c8fc1546b48b3baea", # Template Parameters template_paras=["1", "23", "45"] ), SmsContent( # List of SMS Recipient Numbers to=["+86137****3777"], # Template Id template_id="7824a51b3cc34976919a5418f637d0fb", # Template Parameters template_paras=["3", "4", "5"] ) ] ) ) # Invoke the SDK interface to send SMS messages in batche try: response = client.batch_send_diff_sms(request) print("Batch send diff sms result: {}", response) return response.status_code except ClientRequestException as e: print("Batch send diff sms request exception: {}", str(e.status_code)) print("Batch send diff sms request exception error message: {}", e.error_msg) except ServerResponseException as e: print("Batch send diff sms response exception: {}", str(e.status_code)) print("Batch send diff sms response exception error message: {}", e.error_msg) return http.client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR



{ "code": "000000", "description": "Success", "result": [{ "createTime": "2024-12-12T07:59:37Z", "from": "8824110605***", "originTo": "+86137****3774", "smsMsgId": "e25cee59-1d72-4aeb-adeb-3faf446f543c_2942603", "status": "000000", "countryId": "CN", "total": 1 }, { "createTime": "2024-12-12T07:59:37Z", "from": "8824110605***", "originTo": "+86137****3776", "smsMsgId": "e25cee59-1d72-4aeb-adeb-3faf446f543c_2942604", "status": "000000", "countryId": "CN", "total": 1 }] }


{ "code": "000000", "description": "Success", "result": [{ "createTime": "2024-12-12T07:59:37Z", "from": "8824110605***", "originTo": "+86137****3774", "smsMsgId": "e25cee59-1d72-4aeb-adeb-3faf446f543c_2942950", "status": "000000", "countryId": "CN", "total": 1 }, { "createTime": "2024-12-12T07:59:37Z", "from": "8824110605***", "originTo": "+86137****3775", "smsMsgId": "e25cee59-1d72-4aeb-adeb-3faf446f543c_2942951", "status": "000000", "countryId": "CN", "total": 1 }, { "createTime": "2024-12-12T07:59:37Z", "from": "8824110605***", "originTo": "+86137****3777", "smsMsgId": "e25cee59-1d72-4aeb-adeb-3faf446f543c_2942952", "status": "000000", "countryId": "CN", "total": 1 }] }

